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7 Steps to BBQing the Best Burger

April 17, 2015

One of the best things about the snow melting and the evenings getting warmer is the chance to bust out your BBQ and get grilling. In this article we want to cover what it takes to grill up the best burger you have ever tasted! When a burger is grilled right you know it. The […]

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Decorating Ideas to Make Your Fireplace Pop

March 11, 2015

Last month we shared with you an article on how to update that old brick around your fireplace by using the whitewashing paint technique. While that will definitely help you modernize the look of your fireplace you may find the space around your fireplace is still lacking a certain flare. That’s why this month we […]

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7 Steps to Whitewashing Your Brick Fireplace

February 20, 2015

Sometimes your brick fireplace can scream a little bit too much 1995. While brick is “in” for the industrial office space look, you may not be loving it as much around the central focal point of your living room – the fireplace. That’s why we’ve pulled together some tips for updating that brick with a […]

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Trying Out The Napoleon Fireplace Design Studio

September 11, 2014

Are you in the market for a new fireplace but are not sure where to start with the design or the options available? Diamond Fireplace is a proud partner of Napoleon Quality Fireplaces, and for that reason we decided to give their Fireplace Design Studio a try recently. Napoleon is known for making your life […]

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How To Come Prepared When Buying a Fireplace

August 20, 2014

Buying a fireplace can often be a once-in-a-lifetime experience since it’s the type of home renovation that is not frequently done. That’s why it’s important to do a bit of research before starting your fireplace search, as it will help you prepare for the questions that may be asked of you. We have compiled some […]

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5 Wonderful Ways to Create an Ideal Outdoor Living Space

August 11, 2014

When it comes to creating the perfect outdoor living space you have to look no further than your closest indoor retreat for inspiration. We spend a lot of time making sure our bedroom or living room is the ideal oasis for relaxation after a hard day’s work, but there is no reason we can’t take […]

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Hot Tips: Outdoor Propane Heater Safety

July 15, 2014

  It’s been an amazing July here in Calgary. With temperatures reaching close to 30 degrees Celsius during the day, I’m sure air conditioning is more on your mind than heating. That said, while our evenings have been retaining a good amount of heat, it’s common practice here in Calgary to fire up that portable […]

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WildCard: Diamond Fireplace Air Conditioning Units

July 11, 2014

We have had an amazing run of hot weather here in Calgary this July. It has been so fantastic that even our evenings have been smoking hot, which is great for spending time on the patio, but not so great for sleeping. That’s why we wanted to take this moment to remind you that Diamond […]

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One of the best things about the snow melting and the evenings getting warmer is the chance to bust out your BBQ and get grilling. In this article we want to cover what it takes to grill up the best burger you have ever tasted!

When a burger is grilled right you know it. The perfect char on the outside and the juicy flavour on the inside is all it takes to make you and your family coming back for more.

Here are 7 steps to creating the best burger:

  1. Season the meat beforehand. You can use a mixture of dried herbs and spices to get the flavours of your beef tasting great. Here’s a tip, though – go easy on the salt! The salt will actually extract moisture from the meat, which is not what you want when looking for that juicy patty.
  2. Let the flavours mingle. Make sure to prepare your patties well before you plan on cooking them and stack them in the refrigerator (separated by wax paper) for several hours. We recommend making them in the morning if you want to grill them in the evening. This way your flavours get the whole day to mix and mingle into that perfect combination.
  3. Get the thickness right. A well-formed patty should be about ¾ of an inch thick. Making them thinner or thicker than that may take away from the flavours you are going for.
  4. Heat the grill first. You don’t want your burgers to start cooking while the grill is still warming up. Make sure to give your grill a 5 or 10 minute head start so that when you slap on those patties the grill is reading to start cooking.
  5. Turn them once and leave them. While it’s tempting to check on your burgers more than once, the key to really cooking a nice, juicy burger is to leave them alone and only turn them once. Don’t flatten them with your spatula either because then all those yummy juices will come out.
  6. Add the sauce and melt the cheese. When the burgers are almost done you will want to add your secret sauce – BBQ, soy, teriyaki, etc – and melt the cheese – Cheddar, Brie, Goat, Gorgonzola, etc. This will help pack in even more flavours and get those taste buds watering.
  7. Don’t forget the toppings. When the burgers finally come off the grill don’t forget to add all of those delicious toppings. This is the time to add ketchup, mayo, lettuce, tomatoes, olives, and anything else you can think of. Harness your inner Picasso and go nuts creating this work of art.

Hungry yet? Nothing says spring and summer like a beautifully grilled burger. These are just 7 steps to help get you on your way.

Last month we shared with you an article on how to update that old brick around your fireplace by using the whitewashing paint technique. While that will definitely help you modernize the look of your fireplace you may find the space around your fireplace is still lacking a certain flare. That’s why this month we wanted to share ideas on how to spice up this area of your home and make it stand out.

6 creative decorating ideas for your fireplace:

  • Think about the horizontal space and the vertical space. Most fireplaces have a long, horizontal mantel and hearth where you can add your favourite pictures, statues, or pieces of art, but don’t forget about the vertical space above the mantel. In most cases there is ample space from the top of the mantel to the ceiling in which to add design pieces that will make the space pop.
  • Think Big! Sometimes those small trinkets can get lost when looking at your fireplace as a whole. Most of the time, the fireplace takes up a big portion of the wall or room, so compliment that space with bigger pieces, such as vases, framed art, or mirrors. You could even add texture with woven baskets or vases with dried grasses.
  • Add Attractive Art. Once again touching on the vertical space above the mantel, this is the perfect place to add a large piece of framed art. Think of the height as well as the width and go for something bold. This will modernize your fireplace instantly, plus bring positive attention to the space.
  • Update Your Fire Screen. This is an often over-looked element of your fireplace, but it really shouldn’t be. When it comes to your fire screen you don’t have to leave it as a boring, metal barrier to heat and sparks. There are many companies and local artists who work with metal who could create a personalized piece of art to either sit in front of the screen while it’s not in use, or as an artistic screen itself.
  • Reflect The Space. Instead of using art in the vertical space above the mantel you could also use a custom-cut mirror. This will help reflect the other artistic items in the room and will make the whole space feel bigger. Some designers suggest using a chunky-framed mirror so that it doesn’t get lost in the space, but this will really depend on the look of your fireplace.
  • Don’t Forget The Lights! While the focus should be on the soft glow coming from the fireplace, you shouldn’t forget about the lighting above the fireplace. Afterall, this is what will make all of your design pieces around the fireplace stand out. If your house was built in the 90’s or before you may have some unattractive track lighting currently casting the spotlight on your fireplace. Replace this with 3-4 pot lights to keep the ceiling clean, to draw light to the right places, and to bring your lighting up to date.

For centuries we have been spending quality time around the fire with family and friends. That is why the fireplace is, and should be, such a central part of your living space. While it’s easy to neglect, we really shouldn’t. Take the time to refresh and recreate this space so that it doesn’t just blend into the room – it creates it!



Sometimes your brick fireplace can scream a little bit too much 1995. While brick is “in” for the industrial office space look, you may not be loving it as much around the central focal point of your living room – the fireplace. That’s why we’ve pulled together some tips for updating that brick with a nice whitewash; a quick way to bring your fireplace surround into the year 2015.

7 quick steps to whitewashing your fireplace brick:

  1. Clean the brick – if your brick is still in good condition all it may need is just a little wash. You can use mild dish soap and an old rag to get the dust and dirt off in a flash.
  2. Create your half & half paint and water mixture – In a large container mix equal parts white paint, preferably eggshell finish because of its rich consistency and water. Depending on how much of the brick you want to show through, you can add more water or less water to your paint.
  3. Cover your mantel & fireplace insert – This will help avoid paint drops from getting on these surfaces, which will save you from an annoying clean up job later.
  4. Get painting – Start by applying the paint to the brick, making sure you get in the cracks and border for a consistent look.
  5. Use a rag to remove excess paint – If you want more of the brick colour to show through, take a rag and remove some of the excess paint from the brick. This will create a blended, uniform look on your brick.
  6. Do a test run – Just to get a feel for the how this will look, do a test run on a small area of your brick first. Make sure to let the paint settle for a few hours or a day, as the brick will absorb a lot of the paint. This will help you to get a feel for how much paint you want to use over the entire surface.
  7. Finish it off – Once you are happy with how your test area looks, go ahead and finish off the entire surface. Then step back and admire your work!

Are you in the market for a new fireplace but are not sure where to start with the design or the options available? Diamond Fireplace is a proud partner of Napoleon Quality Fireplaces, and for that reason we decided to give their Fireplace Design Studio a try recently.

Napoleon is known for making your life easier and wants you to create your own personal design statement when it comes to your fireplace. Now, through their design studio, you can choose step-by-step how you want your fireplace to look.

The first step to getting started is to visit Napoleon Fireplaces here. From there you can get started on designing your new fireplace, choosing inserts and logs for your existing fireplace, or choosing a stove for your home or cabin. Once you choose your product type, you can then move on to your fuel type. Electric, wood, gas, and pellet are all available, depending on what product you chose originally. As soon as this has been decided, you then get to design your fireplace. This is the fun part! Choose your decorative panels, louvres, trims & surrounds, and andirons to ensure you get the look that you really want. When you are finished you are given a summary of your choices that you can either print out and bring into the store with you, or you can request an estimate on the spot. It’s that simple.

Napoleon Fireplaces are high quality, but they are also customizable. If you’re in the market for a new fireplace, the Fireplace Design Studio is a great place to start. And it’s only a click away.

Buying a fireplace can often be a once-in-a-lifetime experience since it’s the type of home renovation that is not frequently done. That’s why it’s important to do a bit of research before starting your fireplace search, as it will help you prepare for the questions that may be asked of you. We have compiled some helpful questions and tips below for this exact purpose, so that when it comes time to purchase you don’t feel like you’re on the hot seat.

  • Are you replacing an existing fireplace or creating a new one?
  • What are the dimensions of the existing fireplace, or the fireplace that you want to create?
  • How large is the room where the fireplace will be?
  • Bring a picture of the wall you would like the fireplace to sit on.
  • Do you want a gas, wood, or electric fireplace?
  • Do you have an existing source of gas or electricity for this fireplace?
  • Do you want the fireplace to be used for heat, aesthetic value, or both?
  • What type of finish do you want to have around your fireplace?

Answering these questions before you step foot in a store will help prepare you for the shopping process. It will also ensure to keep the heat off you when it comes time to making a purchasing decision.


When it comes to creating the perfect outdoor living space you have to look no further than your closest indoor retreat for inspiration. We spend a lot of time making sure our bedroom or living room is the ideal oasis for relaxation after a hard day’s work, but there is no reason we can’t take this comfort outside. This month we have put together five simple solutions when it comes to creating that comfortable and inviting outdoor living space, without breaking the bank.

Bring the inside out

Adding a carpet, some chairs, and a piece of wicker furniture or two can easily make your outdoor patio into a comfortable afternoon retreat. You can also add a side table or two for your morning coffee or afternoon tea, and top it off with some cushy pillows and comfy blankets. Pretty soon you won’t want to spend any time indoors because your outdoor room is just too darn comfortable.

Make time to swing

Is there anything better than curling up with a blanket and book in a swaying hammock on a sunny day? We look to pictures of paradise and wish we could make it so, but why not make it happen for your own patio? Installing a rustic swing or rope hammock is the perfect way to enjoy a lazy afternoon reading a book or taking a nap. All it takes is a trip to the hardware store and an hour or two of labour and you’re ready to swing.

Turn that dull wall into a focal point

Who says you have to keep your outdoor walls bare? By adding a new coat of vibrant paint you can immediately bring new life and energy into your outdoor space. Also, don’t be afraid to hang things. Adding a mirror to your outdoor wall will reflect the light and help add to the space. You could also add ornaments found on your beach vacations, or a fountain for the birds. Use whatever you want, just don’t leave it empty.

Set the mood with candles & fountains

Nothing makes you feel like you’re at a spa more than the sound of trickling water. You can create this sound by adding a gurgling fountain to your outdoor living space, making it tranquil and soothing. At night, try adding some candle lanterns around the space for mood lighting. Soon you will feel like you’re relaxing in Mexico instead of Calgary.

Add Heaters to keep you warm at night

As the sun goes down you may want to turn on those heaters in order to keep the cool air at bay. At Diamond Fireplace, we have a wide selection of outdoor heaters that can help keep you nice and warm in the evenings. Propane patio heaters are well-known and are used around Calgary on restaurant patios. These are a great choice for keeping costs low while keeping temperatures high. Another great choice is to use built-in infrared electric heaters. These heaters blend into the environment and keep the focus on the room. They also reduce wasted heat and energy.

Make your outdoor space more like an outdoor oasis with these five simple suggestions. Afterall, why waste our summer days indoors when we can have a luxurious living area just steps away.


It’s been an amazing July here in Calgary. With temperatures reaching close to 30 degrees Celsius during the day, I’m sure air conditioning is more on your mind than heating. That said, while our evenings have been retaining a good amount of heat, it’s common practice here in Calgary to fire up that portable patio heater while enjoy that last glass of wine on the deck. Diamond Fireplace offers two types of patio heaters – electric and propane. It’s the latter that we are going to discuss in more detail today.

As you know, portable patio heaters help us heat up small spaces outdoors. Used in restaurants and homes, they are a very popular piece of equipment needed here in Calgary for those breezy evenings. Because of their popularity, it’s always good to get a refresher on using your heaters safely over the summer. Here are 5 safety tips that we wouldn’t want you to forget:

  • Keep the propane cylinder at least six feet away from the heat source, unless it is contained in a space that offers protection from the direct heat. All of our outdoor propane heaters here at Diamond Fireplace offer integrated tank storage for this purpose.
  • Keep all propane cylinders not being used at least 20 feet away from the heat source. This way if there is any propane leaking the outdoor air will eliminate the danger before reaching the heat source.
  • Keep your propane heater at least 5 feet away from any doorway. This ensures that your guests have ample amount of space between themselves and the heater while moving in and out of your house / restaurant.
  • Never use indoors! This is an obvious one, but one that still needs to be said.
  • Use extreme caution when using inside or around a tent or cabin. Sometimes we think that the same rules do not apply when we are camping. However, this is not the case. Only use outdoor propane heaters outdoors. Ensure there is proper ventilation at all times, especially when you are sleeping.

Keeping these safety tips in mind will help ensure an enjoyable and warm summer here in Calgary. Enjoy!

We have had an amazing run of hot weather here in Calgary this July. It has been so fantastic that even our evenings have been smoking hot, which is great for spending time on the patio, but not so great for sleeping. That’s why we wanted to take this moment to remind you that Diamond Fireplace also sells air conditioning units! Supplied by Napoleon Heating & Cooling, they are perfect for those evenings that remain over 25 degrees Celsius.

Whatever your air conditioning needs are, we have you covered with three different types / sizes available. When outdoor space is limited, our side discharge until is ideal. The narrower design allows for more versatile installations in smaller spaces. The unit also creates less wind turbulence and more quiet operation compared to top vented models. With neighbours in close range this is a valuable feature you will both appreciate.

We also have ductless air conditioners, which is a cost-effective way to stay cool. These Ductless Air Conditioners are an excellent alternative to custom installed cooling equipment. With ZONE COOLING these units balance airflow until a desired temperature is reached and maintained to keep comfort and balance. With your choice of single zone, multi zone and energy efficient heat pump models you can select a unit perfect for your needs, keeping your costs low and efficiency high.

If you’re looking for a full-size unit, we have those, too! When you’re scrambling to meet the countless demands of your day, coming home and struggling to achieve a comfortable balance in your home’s temperature is the last thing you want to add to your checklist. Napoleon’s 13 SEER central air conditioning system cools and dehumidify indoor air to bring balance and efficiency to your home.

Whatever your needs for a cooling system are, we have you covered. Check out our website or visit us in store today. We guarantee you will sleep more comfortably tonight if you do!


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